Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back in Sunny SD

Well the weekend was fabulous.  On both days Prince Charles members swept the drumming competitions, with people placing in every event - we grabbed first place in grade 1 tenor (ME!) grade 2 tenor, grade 1 snare, and then assorted seconds as well.  Eli won the professional snare competition but that's old news since he has quite literally been doing that since he was 15.  The band won drumming both days and 1st place overall on Sunday.  Here are the videos!

The medley contest where we somehow got 3rd out of 3 in all categories except for drumming, which we won!

The MSR (March, Strathespey, Reel) contest which the band swept 1st for in all 4 categories.  Another 1st in drumming!

It was a fun weekend, fabulous to see all my friends and a pleasant departure from nonstop law school on the brain.  The more I thought about it the more I realized how much I need something like pipe band to keep me sane through my law school years.  It comes naturally to me, I enjoy it, and I have so many wonderful friends in it.  Plus throughout the season it gives me something to look forward to; having random trips to contests punctuate the nonstop "wake up, go to class, study, go to sleep, lather rinse repeat" reminds me that there is a real world outside of the Cal Western library.

So far in school I've begun to develop this uneasy feeling that law school was supposed to be much harder than it actually is.  Granted, I'm a week and a half into my real classes but so far I have yet to miss a reading assignment or a brief and have even had time to start outlining my courses, all while maintaining a steady flow of Big Bang Theory online and learning to use my new kitchen.  Wasn't this supposed to be three straight years of barely scraping by and being constantly terrified that you'd flunk out or get a question wrong in class?  I didn't expect to walk back to my car every afternoon thinking "I never thought I could be this happy," but then again what a nice surprise it is.

Getting down to the moral of the story, I always as far back as I can remember had an inkling that I would be a lawyer as I've written before.  Finally after believing that for my entire life I am actually concretely on my way and my dreams are just beginning to come to life.  I'm making friends, I enjoy each of my classes (truly!  ok I hate Contract, but I'm trying to be optimistic) and I live in a beautiful place.  It reminds me of the point in Sex in the City 1 where Charlotte confesses to Carrie that she is terrified something will go wrong in her life because she is just too happy; she's finally become pregnant after years of trying, she is the only one of her friends in a happy healthy relationship and she has an all around secure and wonderful lifestyle...nothing can be that perfect...something is bound to slip up.

But I think it is perfectly normal and actually necessary for us to allow ourselves to enjoy our good fortune.  We work hard for those things that we really want and once you finally draw closer to your destination it is ok for you to pat yourself on the back and enjoy that success, enjoy sing your dreams come to fruition.  After all, if you can't enjoy that one thing you work so hard for (be it school, a career, a happy relationship or a healthy body) what is the point of trying at all?

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