Friday, August 27, 2010

I miss my loud smelly hairy dogs

What an exciting day yesterday turned out to be.  Our first oral arguments...well...mock oral arguments anyway.  I've grown up knowing that I enjoyed arguing so the prospect of standing before a panel of student "judges" pleading a case and being asked questions sounded positively delightful.

I approached the podium, launched into my spiel, and not 20 seconds in I was interrupted for the first time. I expected this because we had been warned this was part of the experience, that judges don't have too much time to listen to fluff and if they need to ask a question they will ask it regardless of where your are in your sentence.  The question was asked...and my mind turned to glue.  It was awful.  I'd sat there in class and watched this happen to 3 students before me and thought to myself "You idiot, how could you not know how to answer that question."  Of course we know how to answer these questions but when your thought process is interrupted and the room is silent as the grave and you have a big group of judgmental strangers sending mental poison darts your is a bit more difficult to do your job.  This will take some getting used to.  I eventually stumbled through my answer feeling like an idiot because, of course, what came out of my mouth was IN NO WAY what I'd originally meant to say but it was over before it started and I woke up back at my seat with my heart racing.  How fun.

Thank goodness the day ended in non-law school related fun.  I accompanied Eli on a date to the racetrack where he came out ahead $8 which paid for a third of one of our margaritas.  I can't believe how much I appreciated having been able to leave my 5 block radius in the city and see people outside of law school.  I was happy as a clam.  However it also allowed me to really realize how much I miss those stupid dogs, miss my room mate Pilar, miss Stepanski and Nikko,  miss my loud obnoxious sorority house, miss my family.  All I have to keep me company in that cute little apartment are my two little cacti who I may neglect to the point of death anyway.  I need to get a fish.

Spending the weekend in the Encinitas public library with a cup of coffee and my Contracts and Civ Pro homework.  Off to the real law school I go on Monday!  Week one:  complete.  Iris:  alive.

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