Monday, April 25, 2011

HELLO! From the City of Gracious Living

Well here I was:
And now here I am:
Good Old Upland.  All hail to Upland's green and white, our mighty colors sing...


One year of law school has come and gone, and here I sit on a Monday at 9:45am in my jammy jams.  BORED OUT OF MY GOURD.  Me and the dogs can only watch so much "Untold Stories of the ER," (although one of the doctors on this show is "Bridezillas," and "Andrew Zimmerns Bizarre Foods," before we get restless.  Also, if I see one more commercial for weight loss frozen foods, weight loss pills, or the Bowflex tred climber I think I'll just go completely banana nut bread sandwich.  Do I SERIOUSLY miss STUDYING??  ITS LESS THAN 2 DAYS SINCE MY LAST FINAL!  WHY CAN'T I ENJOY MY WEEK OF FREEDOM??

Maybe this is a telling sign of my true love for being a student.  I've always said if I had my way I'd just continue going to school for my whole life, wracking up degrees and knowledge bits.

So let me take this time to recap QUICK LIKE on this past year.
1.  For the most part, people in law school absolutely suck.  Maybe not the actual person, but their law school self just blows, yours truly included (only sometimes).  HOWEVER, if alcohol is introduced to the picture, they become not so terrible, and very so drunk.  Unless they need half a day to finish exams that take normal people only 3 hours to complete.  But whatever, I'm over it.
2.  Law school professors get off on being mean to 1Ls.  Even if it turns out that the professor is actually kind of nice office hours or such...they still enjoy calling a 1L's name in class and and continuing to ask increasingly difficult questions until it becomes apparent that an ambulance may need to be called to resuscitate that poor student.
3.  As long as number 2 is happening to someone else and not you, being witness to number 2 can really lift ones spirits.
4.  Law school will teach you how long you can live on canned soup and how many wears you can get out of your favorite few pairs of sweatpants before your friends start standing farther away from you during conversation circles.
5.  The number one reason why people who go to schools like Harvard, Yale, NYU and any other law school not located 10 skips away from beach sand is because THEY DON'T GO TO SCHOOL 10 SKIPS AWAY FROM THE BEACH SAND.  You'd better believe I'd have gotten a lot more studying done if I was stuck inside away from the snow or stuck in the air conditioning away from hot sticky east coast summer weather.  Yeah that's right Yalies.  You get by on a weather technicality.  Feel good about yourself.

Whatever, that is enough.  For now, for the rest of this week, I'll live in jammy jams, I will go to lunches with my momma, and I get to spend time with this guy:
and this little miss thang:

And dream of re-furbishing my first piece of furniture.  It's this little desk that is currently this chocolate brown wood color and parts of it are falling apart.  It has been part of my bedroom set up since before I can remember and so, of course, it came with me to San Diego.  Instead of using it as a desk, I'd like to use it as a vanity.  It is too small to have big fat casebooks, legal pads, highlighters and post its spread all over it but is just the right size for a little stool/chair, a mirror and some catchall dishes/jewelry boxes.  It is very cute, and just needs a little bit of love.  I'm thinking it will turn white, and get a couple of these doodads:

Then all it will need is a cute little chair friend, and it will be good to go.  How delightful.  
Happy summer break!